
Not feeling like yourself? It’s time to optimize your health with cutting edge nutritional science and health testing! At Longevity Functional Wellness, we get to the bottom of your energy drain, stubborn weight gain and brain fog by following a functional medicine approach that gets to the root cause of health issues.

Caring for your health properly is so much more than just the basics of eating right and exercise. With current medical research, we have discovered that the body is a complex collection of organs and systems and even bacterial colonies (the microbiome) that greatly impact each other.

While standard nutrition programs haven’t quite “caught up” yet with most of the current science, conventional nutritionists and fitness gurus are still following outdated nutritional science. They are unaware of the role that hormones, gut health and cellular health have on your nutritional needs or can impact which foods are right for you.

When one of these systems is off balance, it can create symptoms like chronic fatigue, bloating, brain fog and more! When you need a “tune-up” so to speak, not only do you need to look at areas that aren’t working right… but also go deeper on a more personalized nutritional protocol. This includes exploring any food sensitivities and a more personalized approach based on current imbalances.

Sadly, most people put a lot of effort into trying to eat right and workout only they still feel drained and more confused about nutrition than ever before! They may also notice that a specific diet or workout plan is working great for their friends but not for them!  All the while they still suspect that something is off with their nutrition, but can’t figure it out. They may also notice other symptoms they they think are unrelated such as bloating and brain fog. However these symptoms are often nutritional or gut-health related! 

In addition, the approach they have been following to getting more energy or losing weight doesn’t factor in that each person is born with unique health needs. 

Based on their genetic factors, the environment they are exposed to, and what’s happening with hormonal and even cellular health, each person’s body has a very unique health profile. This means they need an equally unique nutrition and lifestyle plan.

It’s no wonder people go from diet to diet and never get the results they are looking for!

That’s why at Longevity Functional Wellness, we follow a more modern functional approach that incorporates advanced functional lab testing and relies on current nutritional science to help you rebalance and finally restore your health.

This in-depth approach is the only successful way of optimizing health and not just accepting your current symptoms like feeling tired all the time and dealing with stubborn weight gain.

Our functional nutrition and wellness programs are a more comprehensive form of care to help clients learn how to optimize their health – so they don’t remain stuck with low energy and other life-draining symptoms. Here are just some of the things we focus on in our program:

  • We prioritize quality over quantity with our clients. We take the time to listen carefully to a client’s health history, review testing, looking at lifestyle factors that are materially contributing to nutritional issues so that we can personalize our plan based on each client’s unique situation.
  • The most modern and advanced nutritional science paired with functional medicine testing and  lifestyle modifications to optimize all areas of your life that impact your energy and nutrition. 
  • Clients are taught how to take a more active role in their own health and will learn up-to-date nutritional science & lifestyle modifications that can boost their health and overall wellness for a lifetime.
  • Instead of trying to “DIY” your nutrition and spend precious time testing out plans that may or may not work  Tracey O’Neill gets to the bottom of your nutritional needs and any imbalances you may be experiencing.

Since the founding of her practice, Tracey O’Neill and her team have helped clients struggling with:

  • Digestive Disorders (GERD, heartburn, IBS, SIBO)
  • Food Sensitivity Conditions (gluten issues, dairy intolerances, and other food intolerances that often go ignored)
  • Hormonal Imbalances (Feeling “wired & tired”, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, PMS or Painful Periods, Mood Swings)
  • Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity & Dyslipidemia
  • Energy Issues, Stress & Chronic Pain (Chronic Fatigue or Adrenal Issues)
  • Cognitive Issues (Anxiety, “Brain Fog”, and Chronic Stress)

Take The First Step On Your

Journey With Me

Perhaps you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a client. Our client coordinator is standing by, happy to answer any questions you have to determine if Longevity Functional Wellness is right for you.

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